
UPDATED: Coin Books *sigh*

Anyone need some really old coin books? Please...take them.

We were supposed to sell these books for Kelly's dad and now they have been taking up valuable garage space for THREE years and counting. Have you ever agreed to do something in the moment and realized shortly afterwords it was a mistake? Well, this was our mistake. We are in one of those positions where they have value to Kelly's dad so we don't want to give them away and every time we list them on Craigslist we get NOTHING. So, I say we dump them at GoodWill and call it a day. What would you do? 3 years, not sold. I can't park my car in the garage because of these books. Sorry Kelly, it's going to be unanimous...GIVE them away. Pleeaaase.

UPDATE: The books are finally gone. Thank you KELLY! Now I don't have an excuse for a dirty garage anymore. DARN!


Dave said...

I'll give ya 5 bucks for all of them.

Will the coins work in vending machines?

j.q. said...

There are no coins here...just coin books. AND...I will PAY you five bucks to take all of them but unfortunately I am not sure Kelly will let me do that. ARRRG...

Dave said...

Maybe if they just start slowly disappearing. Give them away 3 at a time. She'll never notice. You'll have the car in the garage by Labor Day!

j.q. said...


Now that's the best idea I have heard today.

Consider it the plan. :-)